Monday, February 15, 2010

....It's a Boy!

  Yup, thats right, despite the efforts of my parents, I have become one of those teenage mothers. I mean, the baby is a baboon, and I didn't have to deal with the physical birth aspect, but I promise you, other than that it's the same things. Actually, I would say that it is harder. Though Robby is cute as can be, he is also a bundle of endless energy and trouble making all wrapped up in a devilish little package.

5 Reasons Human Babies are Easier than Baboon Babies

1. Baby baboon= two year old olympic gymnast in a body the size of a newborn human
           While this means you don't have to worry about supporting his head, you do have to worry about him pulling full coffee mugs off the tables, attempting to eat everything in sight, running away, and anything else dangerous you could imagine.

2.You cannot cut a baboon fingernails
           Not that he would let me, but even if he did, baboons have primitive nails. This means the skin underneath grows out with the nail, like a claw open on one side. It is hard to explain, but I would seriously harm him if I were to cut them, no matter how much it hurts when he pulls on my eyelashes or crawls up my legs.

3.Robby is literally on my body for 99% of the time we are awake (5 AM to 9PM)
           Unlike a baby human, Robby cannot be "put down for a nap." He must stay in contact with me because in the wild, the baby is on the mom 24/7 for around 6 months. Not that I don't try to get a bit of peace...I'll tell you, getting dressed is something I now consider a herculean task.

4. He has a tail...
           Robby's tail has created several difficulties. First off, I have to cut holes in his diapers (I've gotten into the habit of calling them nappies). The problems with diapers do not stop there. Have you ever tried to wipe the bum of someone who just wants to whip his tail around and create a giant mess of everything? I didn't think so. Also, Robby has taken to clinging to my leg when I walk around. This is difficult because I have to be very careful I don't step on his tail!

5.There's no hope of him eventually being able to talk.
           Finding out what Robby needs is all trial and error. With human parents, they can look forward to the day when little Suzy learns her first couple of words and can ask for what she needs, though I will never see the day when Robby talks.

More on Robby later (as he pretty much now consumes my life)



conniej.long said...

Oh, no...I let you go on your Walkabout and you become a teenage mother!! Robby sounds like a piece of work. Diaper changes involving a tail sound dangerous. Make sure you get some movie footage and post it. I look forward to a lot more detail about your work. I don't know if you remember me coaching you use strategies to distract and redirect when babysitting. Any chance that works with a baby baboon?

And what kind of baboon is he?

Rachel D said...

Haha this post cracked me up. XD Sounds like you're having an awesome time!!! We miss you!!!!


Tanzania Connection said...

So...maybe the Crowley boys are not so bad at all! :) Not that you ever said they were!
We miss you and I have enjoyed catching up on the blog this evening.
