Sunday, February 7, 2010

Tough Times

   These last 48 hours have been quite hard for me. First, I was told I was going to foster a baboon, and got used to him. Then, I was told I was to foster a baby vervet, and I got used to her. Later, my brood expanded to two when a newborn (literally, with umbilical cord and all) vervet came in. I had just got the two settled, when I was told someone was coming to pick them up. What? This made no sense to me, everyone who had talked to me had implied that I would be keeping the babies for several weeks. It turns out that CROW was well past its legal limit for baby vervets, and had to call on a foster to help. This is not what bugs me, but simply that I was given the false impression of hope, as well as just enough time with the vervets for us to bond. Not only am I upset, but Snookie was terrified when the lady came to take her away, bouncing from foster mum to foster mum is definitely not good for anyone.
   I do however have some pictures of the babies that I should be posting later today, and hopefully things will improve for me in the days to come.


conniej.long said...

Oh,Bec. I am SO sorry. Snookie lost a great mom. I hope something else works out for you. Hang in there. You will be a blessing even if through cleaning cages!